Post by grinnenbaeritt on Jan 22, 2021 19:52:17 GMT
But Mutant Chronicles? Wow. That's a WW1 dieselpunk version of WH40K, yeah? Or do you just take the mutants & Dark Symmetry horror themes out of it? Sort of, close(ish) to a game of WH40K (but with the Trademarks rubbed off.. ) and Corporations that are effectively "Houses" (a la Dune). My background is more like Dark Symmetry = Cthulhu Mythos... not that the players have been unlucky enough to stumble across it to any great extent yet.... though could be the aborigines are the "Deep Ones" and the colonials who went native just cultists.. The time lines of WH40K, Mutant Chronicles (and Dune, for that matter) are all set in the FAR future, so with the tech-recession in those, it brings it back to the Blue Planet levels of tech. Mutants? Might be.... though it's difficult to tell, since the campaign contains a number of Transhuman's who because of the "AI Plague" are now "stuck" in their shells, unable to transfer to others... for fear of "data corruption".
Post by Pawel on Jan 23, 2021 13:19:20 GMT
Wow that's a truly unique mashup, mate! You've certainly made this particular campaign your own, even if you run stuff inspired by printed settings and scenarios. Must be a lot of work to maintain coherently. Though, yeah, I can see how certain aspects of various settings can be tweaked or resized to adhere to others. Very impressive.