Post by sabbak on Jul 29, 2019 11:21:24 GMT
Hello There! I'm brand new on this forum but... ASBOLUTELY DELIGHTED to see that a BPv3 is on its way! I've played BP with my group of players for years and even ended a huge campaign last year.
My question is: will there be new scenarios and even a real big fat campaign (I mean, not only scenario ideas but consistent adventures) ?
As some of you, I suppose, I'm not so young and family and professional duties sometimes make difficult to built well developped scenarios from scratch...
Anyway: HOURRAAYYY for BPv3!
Post by Admin on Aug 11, 2019 17:51:58 GMT
That will depend on ultimate demand. I have been playtesting a major campaign linked to a singular setting development, but we will have to see how the Kickstarter goes before deciding if there will be a published version.
Post by sabbak on Aug 12, 2019 17:19:56 GMT
Thanks for the answer! That would be sooo cool! Because, if as a GM, you HAVE a published adventure/campaign on hand, it is always possible to taylor it to fit your own needs. But if you have nothing... it could be tough to built something good from scratch!
Anyway, can't wait for the kickstarter!